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Choosing a Charlotte pest control company might seem like a daunting task at first. You might turn to friends, family, or even the internet for opinions on who you should hire. It may come as a shock when I say that not all pest control companies are created equally. I’ll pause and let that one sink in for a bit. The truth is, as sensitive as the products are that we handle, it is imperative to verify that you’re making the right choice when hiring a pest control company. We’ve put together a list of 5 (uncommon) questions you should be asking on your quest to find the right Charlotte pest control company.

1. What Licenses Does the Company Actually Hold? 

Not all companies hold licenses for everything. The state of North Carolina has different phases of licensing, and each phase requires an exam. Just because a company is considered a licensed pest control company, it’s still important to verify they are actually licensed for a specific service. For example, if you’re looking for Termite remediation, make sure the company has a license for wood-destroying insects. The same thing holds true, especially for Wildlife services. Wildlife services are not broadly wrapped into a pest control license. It is a separate license obtained and managed through the NC Wildlife Resources Commission.

2. What credentials do your staff carry? 

Not to be confused with the licensing the company holds, but rather, who does the company employ? Do they have any type of Entomologist on staff to help with insect biology and identification? When do they say they will inspect your home for termites, who are they sending? Is it an NC accredited WDIR inspector or an unlicensed salesperson? Don’t be afraid to ask a company about who works for them. For the record, City Wide Exterminating employs an NC/SC license holder for P(est)&W(ood) phases, an Associate Certified Entomologist, an NC Wildlife Damage Repair Agent, and 3 NC Accredited WDIR inspectors. We also have a mix of both registered technicians and certified applicators on staff.

3. What kind of training do your employees receive, and how often do they receive it?

Ongoing education and training are essential to the success of every employee in any industry. Regulations, products, application methods, and technology are some of the ever-changing items we deal with in the pest control industry. City Wide Exterminating is fortunate enough to have one of only a few Associate Certified Entomologists in the Charlotte area on staff who holds weekly technician training that cover all of these items. In addition, our staff attends manufacturer-specific training to ensure proper use of and updates about their products. We also perform quality assurance checks following services and use those times as individual teaching opportunities in order to contribute to the success of each technician.

4. Can your technicians climb ladders?

As silly as this might sound, this can become a potential issue. If you have concerns for pest problems higher than 2 rungs on a ladder, make sure you verify that this will not be a problem for the person servicing your home. There are companies out there who restrict employees’ use of ladders, which in pest control, can leave some areas of your home unprotected. Most pests didn’t get the memo that they aren’t allowed to leave the ground.
